Urologist & Andrologist
Synonyms : Renal Cancer, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Kidney Tumour, Cancer of Kidney
Kidney Cancer affects either or both kidneys in men more than in women. Generally, it occurs in either men or women after 45 – 50 years of age. Any tumour in the kidney is considered as malignant, unless proved otherwise.
These kidney tumours are also known as RENAL CELL CARCINOMA. Nowadays incidence of kidney cancer has increased and similarly they are diagnosed at an early stage due to improvement in technology like USG of abdomen and pelvis, CT scan, MRI of abdomen and pelvis etc. Due to early diagnosis and subsequent early treatment survival rates from kidney cancer have markedly improved.
Any Kidney cancer / Tumour whether it is benign or cancerous, evolve from a disruption of gene cells one or more in DNA. The genetics cell multiplications are normally under control but when they go out of control, they form a mass of a tissue which is called a Tumour or Cancer.
The causes of kidney cancer are not really known. However, the following are considered as Risk Factors: –
General symptoms: high blood pressure, fever, anaemia, muscle mass loss, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss.
The following investigations can be done to diagnose Kidney Cancer
The following investigations can be done to diagnose Kidney Cancer
Radical Nephrectomy is the standard surgery for any Renal Cell Carcinoma or Kidney Cancer.
Radical Nephrectomy consists of removal of entire kidney with its tumour in situ and without opening its covering (fascia) and is removed in to along with adrenal gland, surrounding fatty tissue and lymph nodes. These lymph nodes are the commonest site of spread of kidney cancers. Involvement of lymph nodes is considered as spread of tumour and increase its staging and reduces the outcome of surgery and may require other modes of therapy along with strict follow up and monitoring.
Radical nephrectomy can be done by Open, Laparoscopic or Robotically.
Partial Nephrectomy sometimes can be the preferred treatment for many people with a early stage of kidney cancer. This can be done to remove a single localised tumour between 4 to 7 cms. In this surgery only the cancerous tumour is removed leaving behind the healthy kidney tissue as much as possible. Hence, this surgery is performed either in a single kidney with the tumour or where it is of utmost importance to preserve the renal parenchyma. It is important to have the tumour free margins at the periphery
Transitional Cell carcinoma of the Kidney:-can also occur within the kidneys and their treatment is on the lines of urothelial cancer. TCC of the kidney will require Radical Nephro-Ureterectomy with the excision of the cuff of the bladder and needs aggressive follow up. The other modalities can become part of the treatment that is Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Immunotherapy etc.
It is important for doctors to learn as much as possible about the tumor. This information can help them predict if the cancer will grow and spread or how effective treatment will be. This information includes:
Recurrence of Renal Cell Carcinoma: Recurrent cancer is cancer that has come back after treatment has been completed. It may be found in the kidney area or in another part of the body. If the cancer does return, there will be another round of tests to learn about the extent of the recurrence. These tests and scans are often similar to those done at the time of the original diagnosis. Chemotherapy which cytotoxic drug may be the choice of treatment.